Click here to register for the 2025 season.
Must "Log In" (or create new account) to see available programs. Registering is fast, easy, and secure.
Register by March 1st to get the early bird discount of $30 per player.
T-Ball/Baseball rates (age cut-off is May 1st)
T-Ball (ages 4-5) - $90
Instructional (age 6) - $120
Rookie (ages 7-8) - $125
Minors (ages 9-10) - $145
Majors (ages 11-12) - $145
Babe Ruth (ages 13-15) - $150
Softball rates (age cut-off is January 1st)
6U Softball (ages 5-6) - $120
8U Softball (ages 7-8) - $120
10U Softball (ages 9-10) - $145
12U Softball (ages 11-12) - $145
These rates include the $30 discount. Questions regarding registrations or general questions about the Barrington Youth Association can be emailed to barringtonyouthassociation@yahoo.com.
Clinic Info
Clinics started on Sunday, January 12, 2024, at the Barrington Middle School (age groups and times below). All players are encouraged to attend these skill sessions. Knock the dust off the gloves and bats and come brush up on some skills. Please ensure your player has a glove, helmet, bat, water, and clean/dry sneakers (no wet/muddy/salty footwear allowed in the gym). Hard baseballs or softballs are not allowed in the gym; indoor balls will be provided at all clinics.
Clinics are open to players who participated in the 2024 season and any new players for the 2025 season. New players must be registered for the 2025 season prior to attending the clinics.
The clinic schedule is as follows, weather permitting:
12:00pm to 1:30 pm - Softball
1:30pm to 3:00pm - Instructional/Rookie
3:00pm to 4:30pm - Minors
4:30pm to 6:00pm - Majors/Babe Ruth
The BYA asks that players enter the school via Door #12, which is located on the back side of the building near the outdoor basketball hoops. Players must bring a pair of sneakers to change into once inside the gym. With the added salt and sand in the parking lot, we don't want to leave scratches on the gym floor.